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000348_owner-lightwave@webcom.com_Thu Jul 20 04:57:28 1995.msg
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From: Rowan Crawford <sumaleth@daemon.apana.org.au>
Message-Id: <199507201203.WAA01016@daemon.apana.org.au>
Subject: Re: Loading objects from Scenes
To: lightwave@webcom.com
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 22:03:18 +1000 (EST)
In-Reply-To: <8499.9507200858@aragorn.inmos.co.uk> from "Gareth Collins" at Jul 20, 95 09:58:07 am
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> I have an Explosion object which is set up in its own Scene and which
> explodes over 35 frames. I want to load this object/scene into my Space
> battle scenes, for instance parenting the explosion to a fighter and
> having it explode at, say, frame 90. However, when I load the explosion
> in using 'Load from Scene' the explosion starts from frame 0 in its new
> scene and ends at frame 35. I dont want it to start until frame 90! Is
Two ways to do it (assuming I've followed the problen correctly):
1. in the original explosion scene, offset the whole anim by
how ever many frames using the "shift all keys" option in "scene".
2. after loading-from-scene, go into all the motion graphs for
any motion relating to the explosion and use "sift keys" and
"shift frames by" whatever amount.
While on the subject of "load from scene", can someone PLEASE make an
arexx script/plugin which brings up a requester listing all the objects
and lights in teh given scene and lets you select which ones you want
to load in.
And also, i think all file requesters should allow you to select multiple
objects when loading in. When you have created 20 objects for a new scnene,
it'd be so much nicer to be able to load them all in one go.
Rowan Crawford <sumaleth@daemon.apana.org.au> sent this message.
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